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作者:佚名  文章来源:中华纺织网  点击数517  更新时间:2009/1/22  文章录入:Chinagb  责任编辑:Chinagb


   89/686/EEC指令是欧盟众多CE强制认证指令中的一个,也就是我们通常所说的PPE指令,它的全称是Personal Protective Equipment。这个指令是指用于保护雇员免受由于接触化学辐射、电动设备、人力设备、机械设备或在一些危险工作场所而引起的严重的工伤或疾病而设计的产品。

   89/686/EEC这个PPE指令包含了很多相关的标准,举例说EN 340标准是针对个人防护服的一般性要求,也就是说出口欧盟的工作服产品必须从设计上满足EN 340标准中所规定的相关内容。除此之外还有很多标准,目前TESTEX瑞士纺织检定有限公司可以提供的相关标准型式试验包括:
  EN 340  Protective Clothing – general requirements EN 342  Protective Clothing– Ensembles and garments for protection
against cold

  EN 343  Protective Clothing – protection against rain

  EN 469  Requirements for fire-fighters' protective clothing.

  EN 470-1  Protective Clothing – for use in welding and allied processes –

  part 1: general description

  EN 471  High-visibility warning clothing for professional use –

  test methods and     requirements
  EN 531  Protective clothing for workers exposed to heat (exempt fire brigade and    welder garment
  EN 533  Protective Clothing – Protection against heat and flame limited flame     spread materials
  EN 1149-1  Protective Clothing – Electrostatic properties
  Part 1: surface resistivity (test methods and requirements)
   EN 1149-3  Protective Clothing – Electrostatic properties
  Part 3: test method for measurement of charge decay

   EN 1149-5  Protective Clothing – Electrostatic properties

  Part 5: Performance requirements
   EN 13034  Protective clothing against liquid chemicals Performance requirements for chemical protective clothing offering limited protective performances against liquid chemicals (type 6) CLC/TS 50354 Electrical arc test methods for material and garments, for use by     workers at risk from exposure to an electrical arc  

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